Weybridge Lodge No. 6787

In the Province of Surrey

About Weybridge Lodge No. 6787

A brief overview

Weybridge Lodge No. 6787 is a Lodge of Freemasons in Guildford, Surrey. Founded by members of Noel Money Lodge and workers from the Vickers Armstrong factory in Weybridge, it was Consecrated on January 29th, 1949.

Early membership was heavily influenced by Vickers factory workers and local shopkeepers of Weybridge town. However, since then membership has changed substantially. Today the Lodge has members in a wide spectrum of occupations and ages. More on our history can be read here

When do we hold our meetings?

Our Lodge meets at the South West Surrey Masonic Centre for Freemasons in Guildford Surrey.  We hold five meetings each year which usually start at 5pm. The meeting dates are as follows:

3rd Wednesday in February

2nd Wednesday in March

2nd Wednesday in May (LoI Festival)

3rd Wednesday in October (Installation)

2nd Wednesday in December

We currently have 20 members (incl. 2 honorary) whose ages range from 32 to 80. Moreover, Weybridge Lodge prides itself on its friendliness to new members and visitors. Similarly those that come to our evenings and events only have great comments to give on the wonderful ceremonies and hosting we provide. As a result, many return for more of the same.

A Lodge built on quality

The Lodge has a long-established reputation for the quality of its ceremonies. This is due in no small part to the very active Class (or Lodge) of Instruction (LoI). Being strongly support by all, especially the more senior brethren enables us  to guide, mentor and entertain our newer members.

The Class of Instruction meets every Thursday at 7.30pm in the South West Surrey Masonic Centre, Guildford. These series of weekly learning sessions culminate in an annual LoI Festival (our last meeting of the Masonic year). It is here that the lodge meeting is handed over to and run entirely by our new or junior lodge members. The more seasoned members of the lodge present some of the more unusual or rarely recited pieces of ritual during the meeting.

It’s not all work, you join for the Social aspect as well.

As a Lodge we enjoy many activities together both charitable and social. Our main fundraiser is an annual charity gala. The money raised from this special event is donated to a charity close to the heart of the Master of the Lodge. In addition, more relaxed activitiess include a darts night and drinks at a pub, Topgolf, Clay pigeon shoots or a golf day. As charity is at the heart of Freemasonry, we also use these social activities to raise funds wherever possible. We actively encourage visiting other Masonic lodges. This is where you get the most out of Fremasonry by meeting fellow Freemasons and broaden your circle of masonic friends. All lodges operate with slight differences in their ceremonies or ritual, so it is good to see an alternative view on proceedings.

We keep our December meeting specifically for initiating new members. However you wouldn’t necessarily have to wait for this specific evening. We have Christmas hats of all descriptions for our festive board (Dinner) and enjoy a Christmas carol or three.

In conclusion, we hope that this soundbite has given you a good sense of who we are as a lodge and what we are about. If you would like to learn more about the values of Freemasonry and why joining Weybridge Lodge of Freemasons Guildford Surrey can be a rewarding experience, please reach out to us below and we will get in touch.

Visit our website and socials here:

Weybridge Lodge Website

Weybridge Lodge on Instagram


Where is Weybridge Lodge

Guildfrod Masonic Centre

Interested in Joining Freemasonry?

Becoming a Freemason is a journey of personal growth and community involvement that has appealed to men of various backgrounds for centuries. In the United Kingdom, the process starts by ensuring you meet the basic qualifications: you must be a man over the age of 18 who believes in a Supreme Being. Although Freemasonry is not a religious organisation, a fundamental belief in a higher power is one of its basic tenets. Once you meet these requirements, the next step is often to talk to someone you know who is already a member. They can help guide you through the process, which usually involves filling out a petition and attending a series of meetings where you’ll be interviewed and voted upon by the lodge’s current members.

If you don’t know anyone who is a Freemason, don’t worry—there are other avenues available for you to explore this venerable institution. You can reach out to your local Masonic lodge to express your interest or attend one of their public events. This will provide you with an opportunity to meet members and learn more about what the lodge does both for its members and the wider community. These preliminary steps offer valuable insights into what you can expect from the experience and the ways in which you can contribute.

For a comprehensive understanding and official guidance on becoming a Freemason in the United Kingdom, the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) is the best resource. Their website offers a wealth of information, including details on how to join, the history of Freemasonry, and its modern-day activities and charitable endeavours. To take the first official step towards becoming a Freemason, visit the UGLE website, where you’ll find the information and contacts you need to begin your Masonic journey.

Upcoming Meetings at Weybridge Lodge

Ceremony of Installation on October 16, 2024 at 5:00 pm
Ceremony of First Degree on December 11, 2024 at 5:00 pm