Descensus Aquarum Lodge No. 8655
In the Province of CambridgeshireAbout Descensus Aquarum Lodge No. 8655
Located in Ely, Cambridgeshire, the lodge was formed in 1975 by members of Anglian Water. Today its membership is drawn from all walks of life, but its origin is still honoured at our meetings. This is a vibrant, busy Lodge with a relatively young average age of membership and a particularly active community of younger masons. The lodge has a very inclusive attitude and attracts joining members along with new candidates, all of whom are welcomed into the team and quickly become seamless members of it.
The lodge works excellent masonic ritual and often includes components that are not widely seen locally making it a very interesting and popular place to be. Opportunities to learn and participate are always available for members to progress at their own pace.
The lodge has an extensive social calendar to include family and friends throughout the year and is committed to supporting both provincial and national charities, whilst also recognising and directly supporting needs in the local community. Our partners play an important role in social activities ensuring that they feel part of the Lodge.
The Lodge meets on the 3rd Wednesday in January, February, March, April, October and November at 18:00 with an active lodge of instruction on most Wednesdays at 19:00, when there is no meeting. Mentoring of new members and support for all members receives particular attention in DA* and the lodge is well resourced with experienced members to provide it.
Descensus Aquarum = A fall of water
Ideal Candidate
The lodge welcomes those that meet the general criteria for masonic membership, who can regularly attend meetings in Ely on a Wednesday and who wish to explore freemasonry with an open mind and generous heart. Candidates will have an opportunity to meet with a cross section of members of the Lodge both socially and as part of the joining process before commitment.
Where is Descensus Aquarum Lodge
ely masonic hall, silver st, ely, cb7 4fj
Interested in Joining Freemasonry?
Becoming a Freemason is a journey of personal growth and community involvement that has appealed to men of various backgrounds for centuries. In the United Kingdom, the process starts by ensuring you meet the basic qualifications: you must be a man over the age of 18 who believes in a Supreme Being. Although Freemasonry is not a religious organisation, a fundamental belief in a higher power is one of its basic tenets. Once you meet these requirements, the next step is often to talk to someone you know who is already a member. They can help guide you through the process, which usually involves filling out a petition and attending a series of meetings where you’ll be interviewed and voted upon by the lodge’s current members.
If you don’t know anyone who is a Freemason, don’t worry—there are other avenues available for you to explore this venerable institution. You can reach out to your local Masonic lodge to express your interest or attend one of their public events. This will provide you with an opportunity to meet members and learn more about what the lodge does both for its members and the wider community. These preliminary steps offer valuable insights into what you can expect from the experience and the ways in which you can contribute.
For a comprehensive understanding and official guidance on becoming a Freemason in the United Kingdom, the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) is the best resource. Their website offers a wealth of information, including details on how to join, the history of Freemasonry, and its modern-day activities and charitable endeavours. To take the first official step towards becoming a Freemason, visit the UGLE website, where you’ll find the information and contacts you need to begin your Masonic journey.