Masonic Lodges in the Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire

Welcome to our comprehensive guide featuring a list of Masonic Lodges in the province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire. If you're searching for a Freemason's Lodge in Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire, you've come to the right place. Our directory is designed to help you find the perfect lodge for your Masonic journey, whether you're a long-time Freemason or someone interested in joining the fraternity. The list includes detailed information on each lodge, such as location, meeting dates, and contact information, all aimed to assist you in making an informed decision. Explore our Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire Masonic Lodge listings now to find a welcoming community of Freemasons near you.

Abington Lodge 8041 Ailwyn Lodge 3535 Anglo Scottish Lodge 8844 Beneventa Lodge 2380 Buckby Castle Lodge 8932 Ceres Lodge 6977 Cervisia Lodge 10032 Chetene Lodge 9516 Chicheley Lodge 607 Corbie Lodge 9155 Coritani Lodge 8079 Cumton Lodge 8869 Cytringan Lodge 4048 Danetre Lodge 8594 De la Pre Lodge 1911 Dr Field Lodge 8158 Dr Oliver Lodge 3964 Eleanor Cross Lodge 1764 England’s Centre Lodge 2555 Euston Lodge 2283 Ferraria Lodge 8489 Fitzwilliam Lodge 2533 Gates of Billing Lodge 9309 Graham Milton Lodge 9796 Grand Junction Lodge 9775 Grey Friars Lodge 4990 Hamtune Lodge 9601 Hatton Lodge 3041 Heigham Lodge 8486 Hinchingbrooke Lodge 9282 John Pyel Lodge 5195 Kingsley Lodge 2431 Lactodorum Lodge 8526 Lock Lodge Stock and Barrel Lodge of Fidelity 445 Lodge of Harmony 9048 Lodge of Heritage 9344 Lodge of Merit 466 Lodge of Perseverance 455 Lodge of Prudence 8946 Lodge of St George 5978 Lodge of St Giles 8736 Lodge of St James 6838 Lodge of St Paul 6516 Lodge of the Oldest Ally 9524 Lodge of United Services 10012 Lodge of Unity 9495 Medeshamstede Lodge 6104 Meridian Lodge 9542 Mulliner Classic Car Lodge 10019 Nantahala Lodge 9805 Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire Lodge of Installed Masters 3422 Old Kimboltonians’ Lodge 7204 Old Northamptonian Lodge 5694 Old Wellingburian Lodge 5570 Palmer Lodge of Provincial Grand Stewards 8995 Pemberton Lodge 3039 Peterborough and Counties Lodge 2996 Petriburg Lodge 8767 Piscator Lodge 7557 Pomfret Lodge 360 Pro Musica Lodge 9547 Richard Sandbach Lodge of Research 9600 Risdene Lodge 6532 Rockingham Forest Lodge 9491 Salcey Forest Lodge 9854 Samuel Pepys Lodge 8330 Sartoris Lodge 9497 Schola Regia Lodge 9105 Scout Lodge 9814 Silverstone Lodge 9877 Socrates Lodge 373 Sothius Lodge 8774 Spelhoe Lodge 8576 St Crispin Lodge 5627 St Ivo Lodge 2684 St John’s Lodge 3972 St Peter’s Lodge 442 St Wilfrid Lodge 4453 Sulgrave Lodge 9462 Terpsichore Lodge 9874 The Burghley Lodge 9364 Thistle and Rose Lodge 6644 Thomas Deacon Lodge 9126 Three Counties Lodge 9278 Toseland Lodge 8837 Towcestrian Lodge 9510 Town and Country Lodge 9580 Trinity Lodge 9165 Vale of Nene Lodge 7006 Vale of Welland Lodge 8845 Waynflete Lodge 4452 Webb Ellis Lodge 9740 Wentworth Lodge 737 Whytewell Lodge 8400 Wilavestone Lodge 9829 Willowbrook Lodge 7439